Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ahhhh...summer vacation

I am just here at the shop. It is 1:25 am and I am waiting for my software to "upgrade." Otherwise, there is absolutely, positively no way I would be updating this right now. It is one of those times in life when you are in too deep, buried beneath all of the wreckage of life and you know there's no getting out any time soon. As much as you'd like to hop on the next train to Clarksville, it just ain't happenin'. (Because when you get back, your work piles have doubled, and your dirty laundry is still dirty-and stinkier.) So if you haven't heard from us lately, or have called, e-mailed, or sent a carrier pigeon, just know that we are thinking of everyone in our lives right now in our prayers. We are doing well, all things considered, and we will be in touch in a moon or so. Christian has his tonsils removed next Tuesday (don't tell him, we aren't going to until a day or so before-not something to look forward to). Prayers would be great! Especially about keeping him down for almost a week. TV "OD" here we come! Hope all are doing well.