Dan and I took a weekend to visit Lynnell & Brian again, this time, partaking in the local Lake Puckaway Fisheree!
If you haven't heard the story by now, then it's about time...and if you have well then just skip down to the end and have a good day!
The guys stayed overnight in the shack and Lynnell and I got to the site at about 9 am. While helping Dan get the tip-ups set up, I heard the roar of snowmobiles and commented on how badly I wished I could ride one and how much I missed that part of my life.
So a Bloody Mary or two later, was sittin' in a smaller of the three shantys when a tall guy walks in, apologizing to Lynnell for running over one of her tip-ups.
"That's a brand new tip-up," she informed him.
Being the forgiving person that I am, I asked him what he ran it over with?
His snowmobile.
"WE'll forgive you if you let me ride your sled," (how sweet of me to offer!)
"Sure," he goes, "it's right outside."
"Which one," I asked. There were several new Ski-Doos in a row.
"That one," he said, pointing at a vintage, perhaps a 1969 Polaris.
(Got it pictured in your head?)
"Okay!" And I was off. A few kind fellas helped me get 'er goin' and vroom, I was off. Just buzzin' along. (Sound effects are crucial at this point in the story, so you will have to help me out and make your own)
Then enough was enough and I decided to turn that bad boy around. I swung my body to the left, knowing full well that I could break it loose a little bit and spin it around. As if it were possessed, I quickly felt my body horizontal and my legs going the wrong way. I held on for dear life, just like a dumped waterskiier. And if you know waterskiing, you know that if you're outtta control, there's only one thing to do...
let go.
So there I laid. Now I'm no stranger to falling off of snowmobiles and wasn't just too concerned until I pick my sorry head up and saw the Herbie Snowmobile version continue on it's way, just buzzing along. Ghost riding.
(continue sound effects...)
I jumped right up and my adrenaline took over. Sure I was going to catch that thing, I just kept thinking, "Please don't hit a tip-up!" And sure enough. It would aim right for one and veer off to one side or the other. Running, running, running, then I know that it wasn't speeding up, I will admit. I was slowing down.
Enter my knight in shining four-wheeler. "Hop on!" he yelled.
"No, no...stop the snowmobile!!"
Praying at this point the it wouldn't hit someone else's shack, or worse yet, a vehicle, another kind citizen on his snowmobile braved the ride and brought it to a stop.
My knight came for my pitiful behind and in complete disgust, I hoped back on and started that thing back up. Still full of shame, I turned back for camp...
only to see a group of about 40 people standing outside of the shacks.
I turned around...safely and securely this time. Wanting to run like the wind.
Finally, I composed myself and made my way back, only to discover a vital bit of information...
the brakes didn't work. I hit the kill switch and my joy ride came to it's end.
Everyone was so kind (you would be too to have seen such a performance), and after laughing my sides off, I finally asked Lynnell...
"How long were people watching?"
"Well, you took off and they guy goes, 'Hey, check out that chick on the old snowmobile!' So everyone came out and there you were...falling off!"
The question remains: How could there be so many people and not one camera to get the $10,000 shot?
I found out from the guy riding the old beast (who was NOT the owner), that the brakes didn't work and that it didn't start the greatest, so the throttle was welded 1/4 throttle so it would stay running. Guess I shouldn't have been so eager to take off right away.
It was all fun and games until I woke the next day to a bruised body and could barely walk! Not a spring chick anymore, eh, Tara? Not sure if the rib pain was from laughing, falling off, or running faster than I ought to in the shape I'm in!
Even more exciting than that, 2 of the 8 Northern on the board were caught by Dan (33 1/4) and Lynnell with 35 1/8! THAT was exciting! (Unfortunately, neither placed)
We headed back home on Sunday and joined Tim Pulford, his friend, Mike, Drew Fair and his kids, Adam & Brooke out on the ice here on Rock Lake. We all had fun and I stayed away from the snowmobiles!
On a happier and less painful note, one brave soul (or maybe he was a bit intoxicated), let me ride his brand new Ski-Doo. Now most of you know I'm more a Polaris type of girl, but it did the trick and I got my fix after all! Thanks, Dan!
I felt better finding out from Dan (my Dan) that the same thing happened to him when he was a kid.
It was a great weekend all around, as we finished it off at Jason & Stacey Forest's home watching the Super Bowl with friends.
As for ice-fishing, I have to say...
CATCH ya later!!