Q (Question): Who can take a friend winning a quarter-barrel of beer celebration at 8:30 on a Friday night into an all day fishing trip within two days?
A (Answer): DAN!!
It started out as a text from Lynnell about Brian winning a 1/4 barrel for his birthday and next thing you know we're packing up to go up to the Green Lake area. Mallory, Christian, and I went to my brother, Tim & Jerzy's permanent camp sight at Grand Valley in Kingston. We hung out...


and gave moral support to Tim as he took on a new project in the camper-house!

He had some assistance from Jerry, Jerzy's dad and several other handy neighbors from the campground. He took out one queen bed and put in two twin beds...quite a project!

The kids stayed overnight with them and we...well, we ended up paying for our spontaneity by getting back to the campground after the gate was put down and slept in a truck in Kingston! Ohhh it brings back memories...of weighstation stays on our way home from the racetrack! Needless to say...Saturday was a bit of a bust for us, but we had a blast while we were there and did I mention we got to the Amish Bakery in time for donuts, peach pie, and cinnamon bread? ...happiness is!!