Dan and I left on Tuesday night for our Shop Owner's Course here in Baltimore, MD.
Our plane was delayed about 4 hours before we left Milwaukee. Once we did get off the ground, our 737 bounced and jolted around in our not-so-friendly skies of a thundershower. All it took was a consoling hand rub and a prayer to God to smooth things out. The rest of the flight was a breeze! We landed at about 1:45 am. Arrive hotel, check in, lights out by 3.
Up at 6 am and ready to bring on the world at ATI!
It has been 3 full days of learning, reviewing, and meeting other owner's nationwide that deal with many of the same issues that we do.
My souvenir list includes a lengthy ACTION ITEM list and a new outlook on life. Main objective goal has been met! We had a great meeting with our coach, Geoff Berman today and we look forward to getting back to implement our new strategies for a better service experience for our customers and our technicians! Tally-Ho!
We had the opportunity to check out a local brewery, DuClaw just across the way from our hotel in the Arundel Mills Mall. All the way from Lake Mills...to Arundel Mills! Ironic. Really good food, and per Dan, fairly good beer!
My mom stayed with the kids so as to maintain a life as normal as possible for them while we were gone. Dan and I are very thankful to Jenny Krauklis and Renee Bachmann for getting the kids to school and for taking them for a night to get Grandma a break!
Another special thank you to EVERYONE at the shop for keeping the boat sailing. By the look of things, it was a speedboat with a big block in it. LOTS going on there. Not a surprise, though, as that is par for the course when we're gone!
Have had some time inbetween for reflection and discussion which has been valued since that type of time is few and far between (between kids, phones, friends, work, etc., etc.!)
It's been nice to keep in touch with everyone on Facebook! A nice treat we have never had while traveling before.
Now? I'm beat. I'm going to get up early and get my Couch to 5K run in before we head off to the airport. Feels kind of weird being in so early on Friday night in a big city, but I'm just beat and can't wait for my head to hit the pillow!
Looking forward to seeing the kids and Brady tomorrow, as well as family and friends. It's been a nice "break." A valuable one.
A random update of the crazy world of the Topel's. We dedicate this to all of those who we think about, pray for, and love but just can't visit often enough with.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Do not be afraid...
The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you." ~Matthew 28
Blessed Easter, everyone.
It is 1:00 am and I have more to be thankful for than ever before.
My mother called me this afternoon that she was in the hospital. After attempting to clean a toilet, an accident put her in harms way. Sounds like a joke, but the age old warning not to mix cleaners (bleach and other toilet cleaners), became in innocent accident. No one to blame, just much to be thankful for, as she was discharged from Columbus Hospital this evening around 8:30pm.
Around the same time, my Uncle Ken was re-admitted to the hospital for a very low white blood cell count and being incoherent. After a 5 stint operation just days ago, it would seem the best place for him this Easter is in the hospital. The last report I recieved, he has stabilized and is doing okay.
I am blessed to be spending this Easter with my Grandma Vitense and Dan's parents. As I prepared my home today, I counted my blessings...thankful to have the opportunity to spend this sacred day with those we love and cherish, but do not take enough time to be with.
A wonderful morning with my father eating breakfast at a local family restaurant was just the beginning. I was honored to share with him my faith and a new way of life, celebrated daily. The true meaning of life and love. Humbled by Jesus who carried the cross for everyone of us, reminded of the words that echo so true..."that's not fair? LIFE'S not fair. Want to talk about justice? Discussing the true meaning of love~
What better way to honor the One who gives me each mortal breath and eternal life?
An afternoon shopping with my daughter. She's so honest and at the same time is able to laugh with me and find humor in many of the same things I do. I couldn't imagine life any other way. I am proud to be her mother.
That is our mission. Go and tell disciples.
So as I struggle with sharing His word and love with one most dear to my heart...this night I can relate just somewhat with Mary Magdelene. I say nothing because I am afraid. Dear Brother, I am missing YOU this Easter. Praying for you and loving you.

It is 1:00 am and I have more to be thankful for than ever before.
My mother called me this afternoon that she was in the hospital. After attempting to clean a toilet, an accident put her in harms way. Sounds like a joke, but the age old warning not to mix cleaners (bleach and other toilet cleaners), became in innocent accident. No one to blame, just much to be thankful for, as she was discharged from Columbus Hospital this evening around 8:30pm.
Around the same time, my Uncle Ken was re-admitted to the hospital for a very low white blood cell count and being incoherent. After a 5 stint operation just days ago, it would seem the best place for him this Easter is in the hospital. The last report I recieved, he has stabilized and is doing okay.
I am blessed to be spending this Easter with my Grandma Vitense and Dan's parents. As I prepared my home today, I counted my blessings...thankful to have the opportunity to spend this sacred day with those we love and cherish, but do not take enough time to be with.
A wonderful morning with my father eating breakfast at a local family restaurant was just the beginning. I was honored to share with him my faith and a new way of life, celebrated daily. The true meaning of life and love. Humbled by Jesus who carried the cross for everyone of us, reminded of the words that echo so true..."that's not fair? LIFE'S not fair. Want to talk about justice? Discussing the true meaning of love~
What better way to honor the One who gives me each mortal breath and eternal life?
An afternoon shopping with my daughter. She's so honest and at the same time is able to laugh with me and find humor in many of the same things I do. I couldn't imagine life any other way. I am proud to be her mother.
~"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' "
Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. ~Mark 16That is our mission. Go and tell disciples.
So as I struggle with sharing His word and love with one most dear to my heart...this night I can relate just somewhat with Mary Magdelene. I say nothing because I am afraid. Dear Brother, I am missing YOU this Easter. Praying for you and loving you.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
"Where does the day go?"
A famous question posed by my mom on a regular basis growing up.
As I sit down, that is what I ask myself.
Tonight was one of the first times in I can't remember how long that I went somewhere without a child, husband, or friend. It was a nice time and I discovered that I really like being with myself!
I am excited to have finally set some plans for Easter.
Today, the day of April Fools, is our friend Schtevie Litscher's birthday! It's really Steve, but I've got my own nickname for him! I was hoping to get to Madison to hang out with him tonight, but he's got a meeting in the morning, so maybe we can catch up with him this weekend.
One last note for the day: I completely blew it with Christian last night. As much as I looked forward to today being the Friday of the short school week, I seemed to have forgotten the fact that Christian has a lot of things due on Friday that I just totally forgot about. Poor guy let me have it after school.
I am looking forward to tomorrow when we can get the kid's rooms all picked up, spring cleaned, and ready to finish off the school year. Mine too!
As I sit down, that is what I ask myself.
- met a friend for coffee at McD's this morning
- dropped off my mom's laundry
- picked up & prepared fruit for Mallory's class Going Away Party for their student teacher, Ms. Markgraaf
- dropped it off at school
- went to work
- stepped in as Service Advisor for the afternoon so that Dan & Mark could catch up on some fishing up in DePere (poor guys were going through withdrawl, I could just tell)
- got the kids from school, ran to the bank and to US Cellular
- back to the shop to close up and prepare for tomorrow
- ran to Johnson Creek to grab some deals on clothes for Christian (found a couple steals for myself as well on the clearance rack!)
Tonight was one of the first times in I can't remember how long that I went somewhere without a child, husband, or friend. It was a nice time and I discovered that I really like being with myself!
I am excited to have finally set some plans for Easter.
- We will have brunch on Saturday with my dad out to eat.
- Dan's Mom, Dad, and my Grandma Vitense will be joining us for brunch at our house on Easter after we go to church
- Hopefully we will be able to see my mom Sunday night for a little while.
Today, the day of April Fools, is our friend Schtevie Litscher's birthday! It's really Steve, but I've got my own nickname for him! I was hoping to get to Madison to hang out with him tonight, but he's got a meeting in the morning, so maybe we can catch up with him this weekend.
One last note for the day: I completely blew it with Christian last night. As much as I looked forward to today being the Friday of the short school week, I seemed to have forgotten the fact that Christian has a lot of things due on Friday that I just totally forgot about. Poor guy let me have it after school.
I think I need a checklist for my checklists.
I am looking forward to tomorrow when we can get the kid's rooms all picked up, spring cleaned, and ready to finish off the school year. Mine too!
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