Well, we finally got what we've been asking for! SNOW!! The kids (Mal, Christian, & Brady) and I had lots-o-fun playing in the snow today. One especially funny moment was when I was pulling Christian on the sled and Brady ran up and grabbed the rope with his teeth. At first I yelled at him, but he persisted and went on PULLING Christian around the yard on the sled. Hillarious! I was a little slow on the draw with the video camera (no $10,000 grand prize on American's Funniest for me this time).
Oh well...our wonderful neighbors, the Brigg's (Sierra, Dawson shown above) joined us and we just ran and played in the park. The kids bombarded us with snowballs and Brady tackled Michelle! Or I mean Michelle tackled Brady!! To top the fun off, we went in and warmed up with hot cocoa! 
After the warm up, we headed off to Sullivan for a Wedding Shower for our friend Kyle Lehr and his soon to be wife, Cara. Dan will be the best man and I am going to read in the wedding. I found out that I actually get to prepare something to read. I'm quite excited about that!
Last night we had the Hinrichs over for our annual Christmas celebration. It was great to spend time together, though the time seems to go all too fast. Even Jon, who I started babysitting for when he was 6 mos. old-was able to make it down from Minnesota where he is going to college. And NO, I don't feel old! I just feel blessed!
Friday night we went out with our friends, Lenny and Corrine Raupp. It had been WAAAY too long since we had seen them! We had a great time and I just realized I never took any photos and I wanted to! UGH.
And to top it all off, our good friends, Mick & Kathy had their baby on Friday night at 10:19pm. Barrett Warren made his big bro' Ethan proud! Congrats!
Here goes another week! Hope yours is prosporous! Stay tuned 'til next time to see if Dan gets that Tele he's been hoping for...we are currently down to one 19" in the bedroom...