Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2007 Here We Come

A Christmas celebration or 3, an anniversary celebration or 2, a New Year Dinner or 2...we know how to celebrate. Whether Jesus' birth, a wedding 10 years ago, or the hopes of a prosperous new year...each day has it's own cause to be thankful. Life continues to change, new chapters in our lives evolve almost daily. I am excited to try this new blog as a part of the '07 Tara. Kind of like a new version of software, I've decided to try all kinds of new "ventures" and see how many actually continue on by the end of the year!

Since I've been mostly working lately and not able to keep in touch as often as I like to, I'll give a brief (brief...Tara...okay, I'll TRY to be brief) snapshot of the Topel Family today: January 2, 2007.
Christian-from Batman to Larryboy, and beyond, he is my knight in shining armor. Or his newest one is God's Mighty Warrior! He awaits each new day of pre-school at St. Paul's with Mrs. Voigt and Mrs. Maahs. His buddy Gil seems to be the target of his strong need for a superhero sidekick (Batman/Robin; Spiderman/Firestar; you get the jist). He's got his own League, in fact, as Espen, Ry-Guy, et. al. seem to recieve important missions from him daily. These missions are made up of whatever paper, envelope, tape, and MARKER message he can make. Each one reads, C h o c r i t c o a n c h o s - or anything containing the letters: C h r i s t i a n, which translates out to whatever he wants it to. He is much like me in that he has a strong urge to entertain and in case anyone was wondering, there are parties at our house on any given day: in his bedroom. Sometimes there are pinatas, chocolate ones; games; snacks in case anyone is hungry, and Bat games. If you are lucky, while you are there, you can chat with his friends in the attic. Since Grandpa and Grandma have TWO attics, it is only fitting that we should have one that is a home to many friends and "things" that we don't currently have in our house!!
We recently discovered that he is the proud owner of two large tonsils and adenoids, which we would like to soon rid him of.
We are thankful especially that Social Services hasn't visited yet, as his amount of time spent with a black & blue (and yellow, green, purple) mark on his face has far out-numbered the ones without. Our current challenge is getting out of a Plastic Surgeon visit for the calsification on his cheek from smacking the balance beam at school. I think we're in the clear on that one!
Christian has earned himself an official label of STRONG-WILLED. Which is an important attribute for a superhero such as himself. It will be great once he's older, and until then, he is molding me into a "mean" mom, saying things I swore I never would say to my own children! I'm determined that this strong trait has been acquired from his father. It is especially fun to see the two of them out-will each other!!

And since I've discovered that it is basically impossible for me to be "brief," I'll do our "snapshot" in daily incriments. That's about enough "goofing" off for one day, so hope you are all starting your new year off with many blessings that you are able to take the time to enjoy!

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