A random update of the crazy world of the Topel's. We dedicate this to all of those who we think about, pray for, and love but just can't visit often enough with.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
An Ode to Shelli!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day...

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
When we remember where love comes from, it has a whole different meaning than the one the world would like us to submit to! For all we have been through and all that we yet will endure, we wouldn't be without God's love and mercy.
I've been reading a book for quite sometime now: Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God: Encouragement to Refresh Your Soul by Mary E. DeMuth. It is a woman who writes short excerpts about her life as a mom and she relates scripture or some analogy to her life experiences. It isn't one of those that is surreal, it is just a real life mom that knows that she falls short so many times, including some mentioning of fears of how she was raised and how that might effect how she is raising her own three children.
It is very inspiring and I've been thinking a lot how so many things do have a deeper meaning as long as we are willing and able to take an extra moment to take it all in. So if you are looking for a great book and don't have a whole lot of time to read, I'd suggest this book!
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we're pretty excited at our house! Christian got Batman Valentine's and Mallory wrote out her two different kind (Cars for boys, Princess for girls). I am helping out Mallory's class party at 2pm. Then volleyball times two at night so that isn't exactly romantic, but it will be a fun night out getting some exercise!
Well I must go get some work done here at the shop. I'm only about a week behind this month!lol
PS-The new Toshiba TV joined our household of electronics this past Sunday. Nothing fancy and it sounds funny, not to mention the dual remote situation-one for cable, one for power & volume!! Isn't there a movie about the perfect remote that runs everything (Click, maybe?) Gotta get one of those!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Down & Out
Luckily, everyone else in our house has been healthy. We have been having a time deciding on whether to send Christian to Kindergarten next year, being young for his age and a boy and all. Our meeting was on Monday (I think Mrs. Voigt must've thought the cat dragged me in) to go over how he is doing in school. Although she said she would support if we did decide to hold him one more year, she thinks he's good and ready for kindergarten. My baby is going into kindergarten next school year. Reality strikes. Mrs. Voigt and Mrs. Maahs are the best and she had so many wonderful things to say about Christian and how he does at school. One of those proud parent moments, I guess.
March seems to be a packed month for us and February is quickly filling itself up as well. It is hard to find time to get it all straight! Two weddings, an industry expo show, spring break, and a Chamber of Commerce long term planning meeting at Mt. Olympus in the Dells. Umm...calgon?
We haven't even set our New Year's Goals yet...