She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.
~Toni Morrison, Beloved
Shelli Roedl. A girl who came into our lives what seems like yestarday, but was when Mallory was 3 (about 4 years ago). A girl who God has called to help us on this place we call Earth. From offering her time to her talents, she never ceases to give. She doesn't expect not one thing in return. She has an uncanny way of knowing just what to do and when. Shelli, you amaze me. Babysitter. Friend. Next best thing to family. Co-worker. Dog-sitter. The list goes on and and on. If you would ask me where I would be without her, I'd have to point you to a gutter on some cold street. Honestly. Shelli has blessed us in ways she will never know. I have received notes and not responded. E-mails that I read, but didn't have time to write back. Yet Shelli has time. She somehow makes it and always comes through. There are qualities in Shelli that would make her elgible for a Nobel award. Though the days may be numbered before she pops open her umbrella-much like that of Mary Poppins-and has to catch the wind off to her next mission of life, I am thankful to have her in our lives. The kids adore her. She has that special touch that makes them melt in her hand. A bond that will never be broken and grows each and every day. So I thank God each day for gifts such as these. Thank you for helping me keep it together and for being there when I fall apart! Life is more meaningful with you in it. May God bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he look on you with favor and give you peace!
1 comment:
Me and my brother love her a lot too!
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