Congratulations, Lynnell & Brian Lichtenberg!!!
It would seem that much time has gone by once again since my last post. It certainly took some time to get life back in order here since the big day!
It ended up being a gorgeous day and the pictures just don't cut the surface of what a memorable day it was. Besides all of the overflowing emotions, it was a MOST fun time!
Dan and I were able to party with so many friends, new and old! The only downfall was that time passed just way too quickly!
Since then, we've been keeping enjoying our days. Not much time to reflect in there, but we have certainly been keeping on the up and up. The kids are doing awesome at school.
Mallory is getting some great grades and having fun being a third grader! She has been improving tremendously at soccer on Saturday mornings (and some Thursday nights). Dance class also started on Sept. 24th, so that is something she really looks forward to, too. She still loves dogs and has been showing lots of interest in helping out around the house!
Christian has more than exceeded my expectations for him in all areas of his life. Not that I had set them low, but just that up until now, it seemed as though he would give us a run for our patience and understanding! He has joined the "letter-club" in his morning class (which means he can recognize all upper and lower case letters), and has already been reading us books and about 15 words (the, a, I, like, here, etc.). Not only that, but he continues to teach me about what God tells us in the Bible. He has been having fun playing soccer, but is not so sure about "battling." (i.e.-playing actual games on Saturdays)
I don't want to be that "braggy" mom, but I am just overwhelmed with the blessings God has given us in our children.
Dan and I are just getting over some nasty cold/flu bug. Other than that, I am adjusting to having Shelli at the shop, steering the ship, with Jillian managing the other aspects of the office. My days have really changed a lot, and my self-discipline is being challenged! I've been coaching both kids at soccer, coaching forensics, and volunteering for about 10-15 minutes in the mornings and on Wednesdays for about an hour in the classroom. Sounds like a lot, but just quite a few smaller things spread throughout the week. I do get to get out on Wednesday nights to play volleyball.
Dan has been trying to take Tuesday nights to go fishing, though this has been a busy time of year, with the swap meet and the big 5-Alarm weekend having just passed. His Uncle Don passed away about 3 weeks ago. He had been sick for quite some time. He has been spending more time at home and with the kids, which is every mom's dream come true!
It's time to put the kids to bed, now. We're just living life the best we can and trying to do what is best. We leave next Friday for Florida...that's a whole nother story!!
Parents' Prayer
O Father, our hearts are filledwith a great happiness.For you have seen fitto bless us with a child.You have sent us one ofyour own little angelsto love and protect.
We are aware of the greatresponsibility that is oursand we are humble.We realize the honoryou have bestowed upon usand we are grateful.
Great that we may beever patient and loving,living in such a wayas to set a shining example for our little one. And as we seek to set those tiny feet upon the paths of righteousness, be ever with us.
May our home be a place of love and harmony where your Spirit is ever present. And may our child find you in each activity of our family life.
Bless us, we pray,and walk beside us through all our days together. Amen.
- Norman Vincent Peale
1 comment:
You are an amazing person and I truly believe that your children are the way they are because of the way that you and Dan are raising them. With God's help you and they will go far! Faith - Never give up! I have had to 'reteach' myself that over the last few months. Love you, C
P.S. Have a wonderful time in Florida!
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