Mallory's Recital...so I'm a bit late in getting this out there, but I keep thinking I need to get it done, so here it is! (Above: Haley Kooiman, Mallory, and Shayane Anderson, below: Mal and Ms. Cindy)

Dance is a passion of Mallory's. If she is having a bad day, it is nothing a loud song and free expression of dance can't solve. Watching her , you can just feel the energy radiate off of her.

I cannot believe she is already 8 and in just over a month, my first baby girl is going to be 9. Mallory continues to amaze me with her patience, her understanding, and her maturity. If there in one thing in life here on Earth that Mallory loves (besides dogs), it is DANCING. I am so proud of her and not a day goes by that I don't look at her in awe for all that she has already become!
"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." ~Mark Twain PS: Thanks to Hannah Hinrichs, Shelli Roedl (& Parker), Lisa Roedl, Grandpa & Grandma Topel, Great-Grandma Vitense, Grandma La La, Haley, & Shayane for making the recital day an unforgettable one!
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