Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Answered prayers...

Last night, our walk was heaven sent! It was a nice breezy evening and the leaves rustling and fresh air were enough to help Dan's nerves. After his periodic interuptions through the night, the morphine became his new best friend to help him rest, relax, and not feel so much pain.
Dr. Fisher came in pretty early and checked things over, explaining that if Dr. Zambrano did decide to do surgery (he wasn't certain he would), they would take a culture to determine the nature of the bacteria, as to get the right antibiotic. Minutes seemed like hours and the nurse came in to notify Dan he would be going in for surgery based on the fact WE didn't think it was getting better. After a discussion, WE decided that we wanted the Dr. to make that determination and the nurse did indicate he would be up. It was almost 1:00 and in came the anestethesiologist (nope, didn't spell that won rite!) with his assistant to take Dan down for surgery. (record scratch, "Say What?"). They told us we would be able to talk to the Surgeon when we got down there and that our concerns were valid. Down to OR and a good discussion with Dr. Zambrano determined that it is best for Dan to undergo a slice in his foot to find out what is in there and get it OUT! In he went and no longer than 45 minutes later, he updated me. There was a puss pocket in his foot that had formed, preventing things from moving along. That popped when they sliced. He pulled the cultures, inserted a tube for future drainage if possible and sewed the approximately one inch gap shut. The soonest return home will be Thursday or Friday. In about two weeks, he should be able to start putting some pressure on his heel as long as all goes well. He is happiest when he is being comforted by his temporary "best friend" Morph Ine, but that's okay! I'd rather see him comfortable than in pain. He is resting and relaxed, happy to have some type of closure rather than mystery about what is going on.

All from a clean nail.

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