A random update of the crazy world of the Topel's. We dedicate this to all of those who we think about, pray for, and love but just can't visit often enough with.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
-Some sleeping in
-Mother-Daughter Banquet
-Mallory started band lessons playing the bells and snare drum
-Heather & Trinity came over to play
-Went to a movie
-Cook out for Father's Day
It looks like more than it was considering I was able to be home with the kids and not working so much at the shop. My work load did increase a bit after we got a letter of resignation from Shelli early June. We were sad to see her go, but at the same time, we knew it wasn't for her long-term. Just glad to have her for the time we did and wish her the best of everything in life spending her days doing what she truly loves! (She began daycare in her home)
Dan has been plugging away at the shop in the Service Advisor role. Being behind a desk all day is not his cup of tea and he'll be the first to admit it. He does a fine job though and until we find that right person, it is what is best for the family right now. I probably don't tell him often enough how blessed we are to have him sacrificing for us. Home is really where I need to be right now and the payoffs will be countless.
So June came and went...with lots of enjoyable days. Nothing too stressful or overwhelming. A great way to start the summer indeed!
Another Town and Country Day Parade in the history books...
Hook 'em up, Buddy!
We had Kayla Indra help us out and was she ever the trooper!! I figured she'd need a break before we got to all the commotion downtown...ha!! Shows what I know. She plugged right along and did awesome! We didn't get a shot of the Fair Residence bubble blower, but the Watertown Daily Times did and that made it's own little history! Nice work, Drew. THAT was amazing!
We went downtown on some rides, got Kayla some MUCH deserved Cotton Candy and then got her home. Wish we had more time, but hopefully we will get to have her over again soon.
A Whole Lotta Catching Up to do!!
Anybody seen a tow truck around here?
Silly girl, we're at the Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells...why would there be a tow truck here?
A fancy place like this? Why oh why would there be any TOW TRUCKS?
Because they are cool...Like US!
Are there any IN the indoor waterpark?
How about OUT the window of the waterpark?
at the Wisconsin Tow Show!! People laugh sometimes when I tell them that there is a Towing Convention, but there is. It is a lot of fun and we have really learned to enjoy all of the many events they have going on as well as hanging out at the out and indoor waterparks.
I'm going all the way back to June here and it's already August, so I'll keep it short and sweet and prepare to move onto the next adventure of our 2009 Summer Extraordinaire!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Movie night for the Topel Family turned into acquiring a new apprecation for our four-legged family member! We watched Marley & Me (which wasn't quite as family appropriate as I thought it would be...but that's okay...Mallory first heard about sex in First Grade, it's only right that Christian does, too!). We knew the outcome, but put ourselves through the ending anyway!
It makes us think of all the special little pups in our lives...both still with us and those who have moved on. We all went to bed with a new appreciation for the time we have with our furry friends!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It was a Grand Visit!
A (Answer): DAN!!
It started out as a text from Lynnell about Brian winning a 1/4 barrel for his birthday and next thing you know we're packing up to go up to the Green Lake area. Mallory, Christian, and I went to my brother, Tim & Jerzy's permanent camp sight at Grand Valley in Kingston. We hung out...
and gave moral support to Tim as he took on a new project in the camper-house!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Ode to my mother...

I never did get down to pick up the card or gift I had ordered for my mom, but here's what I want her to know today that I don't think I ever could have found a card that said it just right anyway:
Dear Mom,
Growing up was quite a journey. It is for everyone, I'm sure. When I reflect upon the experiences that paved the way to where I am today, it is such a mixture of highs and lows. What I realize now is that none of it matters as much as the here and now. What is in the past has passed and Lord only knows what is to come. Today, I am just very blessed to call you mom. You're here for me whenever I need you, yet you give me the space I need to grow and stumble on my own sometimes. Just the other day, I was thinking about a certain experience I had and chalked one up for you, resounding in my brain..."Mom was right!"
So thank you for the mom you have become and for allowing me the freedom to live according to my own virtues and faith.
Thank you for always being there to fill in for the times I cannot be with my own children (including Brady!). Christian said it so right the other day..."You're my second mom!"
I hope to be able to make this day up by spending some time with you and my second mom, sharing memories and hopes for the future.
I praise God for you.
Tara Lyn
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I consider myself positive mostly (don't get me wrong, I complain with the best of 'em), but for quite sometime, while I pray that the Lord fill my heart with the Holy Spirit daily, I struggled something fierce.
For the first time in a looong time, I feel happy, I know feelings cannot always be trusted and I KNOW that sometimes it's more about what you know than it is how you feel. Trust me! I Know. Just for now, I am going to allow my highly emotional self to FEEL HAPPY! (And no...it's not hormones!)
Without going into every single detail about every step of the way, we have discovered that Christian has some special needs. His special needs have brought us down a road that has led to at home therapy much of the day. You see, the typical classroom is not the place for him right now and I need to figure out how he ticks and how we can "unconventionally" make adjustments to help him, both academically, but mostly psychologically.
I've always been interested in how the brain works and here's my chance to learn first hand. There is an issue with his central nervous system which, when overloaded, sends him into a fight or flight state. He really thinks/feels that someone is trying to harm him. He's scared, but it looks like rage. Once given the opportunity to calm down (much like adrenaline), he can cope normally and carry on. Maybe you've witnessed this...maybe not.
Like I said, now is unfortunately not the time to get into specifics, but our lives are changing like gears through a mountain grade! Up down, up, up, down, up! We have adjustments to make and some of us-check that-all of us are actually grieving. Some still in denial, some blaming ourselves, but none-the-less--a wide range of emotions that change by the hour some days.
And don't forget about Mallory. The sweet girl that God made her, has without knowing it, made herself Christian's biggest advocate up until recently. Her own sensitivities have taught her best how to cope with certain situations and at times, training us as parents how best to work through certain issues. She, too, is jumping around in our family mobile, not sure where to level off at just yet.
So thankful for prayers, and please don't stop because I know He hears us. I know He's orchestrating from up above the most perfect symphony of life. Sending cues to just the right people at just the right time to step in and guide us through this beautifully written piece.
Christian will still be going to school to hear Word of God and to see his wonderful friends in 1st grade. I want to be sure to be clear that this is not in any way...shape...or form anything that St. Paul's school cannot handle. Right now, he just can't handle school. Period. And I'm going to do all that I can to get him to the point that he can...he'll just enjoy it and probably appreciate it more than most once that time comes.
Until then...if a phone call goes unreturned or an e-mail seems lost in cyberspace...it just might take longer than normal and if it's pressing, just be sure to say so! We're probably outside doing dandelion math or wrastling around, punching out loose teeth!
...and that's just another blog entry.
1a]">[a] To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul;
2 in you I trust, O my God.
Do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.
3 No one whose hope is in you
will ever be put to shame,
but they will be put to shame
who are treacherous without excuse.
4 Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;
5 guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
-Psalm 25
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Blessed Easter...
Saturday night, we colored eggs...
There is something very special about how truly happy both kids look in their proud egg moment photos! Sunday morning, we woke up and the kids searched for their eggs and plastic eggs with surprises inside. This year instead of candy, we did gifts of time. With the economy being what it is, we are teaching our children the value of time. Thus fun slips of paper representing family outings and events to do together throughout the year! As much as I was ready for the "LAME" buzzer to go off, the kids were very eggsited about the change!!
We went to church at 9 am, then out to Pine Knoll Supper Club for brunch with my mom, Grandma Vitense, Tim, Jerzy, Cliff & Vi...which almost completely accomplished my goal all in one sitting!, and my Uncle Ken joined us from Hartland as well!
Mallory was a little thrown off by dessert (nothing she liked and she went back for a chocolate muffin...seems that Christian had just taken the last one and ate most of it), so when it came picture time, we had a little opposition from her. Christian took up the slack and made his rounds! Everyone poses better when a kid is involved!!
We went home for a relaxing afternoon, then started up the cook stove and made a traditional Easter dinner, thanks to Vi...
she brought the ham, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls, cake, and all we had to do was cook the ham, scalloped corn, pull her homemade peaches out of the fridge and voila! Easter dinner. Oh and did I mention the annual Lamb cake? Well yes, we enjoyed that along with cut-outs made by Vi and Mallory...decorated by Cliff! A family production!
And yes...we did the best we could do with achieving our goal...my dad joined us for dinner at home and look!! There's our little daughter Mallory!!
All in honor of our Savior Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save us from our sins. How blessed we are that on that Easter morn, though fearful and scared, Mary and her friends found the tomb empty so that we can be fulfilled!
And as wonderful and fulfilling as our weekend was, we look forward to the ultimate fulfillment of life eternal!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Prince and Princess in Princeton...
After hanging out at Brian & Lynnell's, we decided to take a little road trip to Ripon to the Carley House.
The Carley House is a store full of fun, whimsy toys for people of all ages. Last time we were there, the upstairs wasn't done yet, but we got to enjoy it yesterday.
I always give the kids a limit, then see this educational stuff that would help the kids and give in to additional stuff! It's always worth it, though as they have quality items!
We met the owner, Jan, many years ago when the store was downtown. She is so fun and outgoing. Makes the visits extra special to have that personal service! She happened to be there and recognized the kids right away!
Christian got a pop gun, a little puppy for his stuffed animal weiner dog, Cutie. He has a party to go to on the 18th and we found a perfect find for that as well.
Mallory hand-picked yet another Webkinz (a chimpanzee). We found a State card game and a lapdesk for her to do her homework under her bed (if you haven't seen her bed, it's lofted).
Christian opted for a treat of Blue Moon in a dish and Mallory had her eye on some fudge to indulge in! Jan sent a long one of those cute plastic knives in case she wanted to share!
And she did!
Stopped at a furniture store to get a table for Lynnell and Brian, then on to Christiano's Restaurant about half way back to Princeton. Where Mallory ventured into the world of eating spaghetti sauce with her spaghetti.
We enjoyed pizza and Brian joined us after his long day getting some work done!
As always, the day came to an end sooner than we wanted it to and we drove home in a snowstorm. Slow and steady wins the race!
We all had a fun-filled day and can't wait to go back soon!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Fireside Evening...
A real sweetheart of a deal! The Topel Family loaded up and headed out to Fort Atkinson for a dinner at the Fireside Theatre. Our excursion was just a short one, as we went for Friday night fish fry. Mmmmm...!!! So yummy! My favorite is the steamed veggies. Who ever though I'd be saying that??
I think the kids have lots of favorite things about the experience...but one of them is definitely the umbrellas in the drinks!
My kissy boys! Mal takes great photos!
Before we got there, I lectured Mallory and Christian about how they need to behave and how there won't be many other kids there and that adults are there trying to enjoy their evening so the last thing they need is rowdy kids...
What have we done??!! It wasn't long before our neighboring patrons had a cocktail too many and got real loud and lucivious!! So much for the kids being a distraction! They did set a great example for all of those surrounding us and were such a lady and gentleman!
And so we are reminded of what love is...
John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,f]">[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
And how he shows his love for us each and every day...AMEN!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Here fishy, fishy, fishy...
Dan and I took a weekend to visit Lynnell & Brian again, this time, partaking in the local Lake Puckaway Fisheree!
If you haven't heard the story by now, then it's about time...and if you have well then just skip down to the end and have a good day!
The guys stayed overnight in the shack and Lynnell and I got to the site at about 9 am. While helping Dan get the tip-ups set up, I heard the roar of snowmobiles and commented on how badly I wished I could ride one and how much I missed that part of my life.
So a Bloody Mary or two later, was sittin' in a smaller of the three shantys when a tall guy walks in, apologizing to Lynnell for running over one of her tip-ups.
"That's a brand new tip-up," she informed him.
Being the forgiving person that I am, I asked him what he ran it over with?
His snowmobile.
"WE'll forgive you if you let me ride your sled," (how sweet of me to offer!)
"Sure," he goes, "it's right outside."
"Which one," I asked. There were several new Ski-Doos in a row.
"That one," he said, pointing at a vintage, perhaps a 1969 Polaris.
(Got it pictured in your head?)
"Okay!" And I was off. A few kind fellas helped me get 'er goin' and vroom, I was off. Just buzzin' along. (Sound effects are crucial at this point in the story, so you will have to help me out and make your own)
Then enough was enough and I decided to turn that bad boy around. I swung my body to the left, knowing full well that I could break it loose a little bit and spin it around. As if it were possessed, I quickly felt my body horizontal and my legs going the wrong way. I held on for dear life, just like a dumped waterskiier. And if you know waterskiing, you know that if you're outtta control, there's only one thing to do...
let go.
So there I laid. Now I'm no stranger to falling off of snowmobiles and wasn't just too concerned until I pick my sorry head up and saw the Herbie Snowmobile version continue on it's way, just buzzing along. Ghost riding.
(continue sound effects...)
I jumped right up and my adrenaline took over. Sure I was going to catch that thing, I just kept thinking, "Please don't hit a tip-up!" And sure enough. It would aim right for one and veer off to one side or the other. Running, running, running, then I know that it wasn't speeding up, I will admit. I was slowing down.
Enter my knight in shining four-wheeler. "Hop on!" he yelled.
"No, no...stop the snowmobile!!"
Praying at this point the it wouldn't hit someone else's shack, or worse yet, a vehicle, another kind citizen on his snowmobile braved the ride and brought it to a stop.
My knight came for my pitiful behind and in complete disgust, I hoped back on and started that thing back up. Still full of shame, I turned back for camp...
only to see a group of about 40 people standing outside of the shacks.
I turned around...safely and securely this time. Wanting to run like the wind.
Finally, I composed myself and made my way back, only to discover a vital bit of information...
the brakes didn't work. I hit the kill switch and my joy ride came to it's end.
Everyone was so kind (you would be too to have seen such a performance), and after laughing my sides off, I finally asked Lynnell...
"How long were people watching?"
"Well, you took off and they guy goes, 'Hey, check out that chick on the old snowmobile!' So everyone came out and there you were...falling off!"
The question remains: How could there be so many people and not one camera to get the $10,000 shot?
I found out from the guy riding the old beast (who was NOT the owner), that the brakes didn't work and that it didn't start the greatest, so the throttle was welded 1/4 throttle so it would stay running. Guess I shouldn't have been so eager to take off right away.
It was all fun and games until I woke the next day to a bruised body and could barely walk! Not a spring chick anymore, eh, Tara? Not sure if the rib pain was from laughing, falling off, or running faster than I ought to in the shape I'm in!
Even more exciting than that, 2 of the 8 Northern on the board were caught by Dan (33 1/4) and Lynnell with 35 1/8! THAT was exciting! (Unfortunately, neither placed)
We headed back home on Sunday and joined Tim Pulford, his friend, Mike, Drew Fair and his kids, Adam & Brooke out on the ice here on Rock Lake. We all had fun and I stayed away from the snowmobiles!
On a happier and less painful note, one brave soul (or maybe he was a bit intoxicated), let me ride his brand new Ski-Doo. Now most of you know I'm more a Polaris type of girl, but it did the trick and I got my fix after all! Thanks, Dan!
I felt better finding out from Dan (my Dan) that the same thing happened to him when he was a kid.
It was a great weekend all around, as we finished it off at Jason & Stacey Forest's home watching the Super Bowl with friends.
As for ice-fishing, I have to say...
CATCH ya later!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A pressing Question...
How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? If there is a stage at which an individual life becomes truly adult, it must be when one grasps the irony in its unfolding and accepts responsibility for a life lived in the midst of such paradox. One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light.
My own pressing question for the day:
Why is it that the things in life that are truly "good" for me, the things that I benefit most from--are the things that I dread most?
For example:
Ask me what I would choose to eat, show me a menu and the last thing I choose is a salad. Now when I EAT salad (maybe it comes with my meal or maybe I am being disciplined and order one), it is delicious and satisfying.
Another example:
Cleaning...what would I choose to do for the day-visit with friends, get out of the house, etc., of anything I could do, cleaning comes up last...but give me an unplanned weekend and a bucket of cleaning supplies. I sit down when the deeds are done and bask in the glory of a clean slate!
It could go on...
Given spare moments, do I exercise for a half hour or fill up my time with other activities that appear to be less "work" (facebook, a bath, reading a book, etc.) The rare times that I have been taking lately to exercise, the feeling when I'm done is a rewarding one!
I see it throughout my workday as well.
So why is it that I focus on the agony involved and not the end result? Why can't I ask myself the question-
What is going to make the most sense of my time? Or my health?
Rather than go for the short-term indulgence...can't I want what is best in the end? What is more gratifying? I think it is because it takes discipline that I seem to lack. I get caught up in the whims that life throws at me and take my eyes off of the finish line!
And perhaps the reasons or even excuses if you will, could go on. I used to be very philosophical. Something happened over time that made that go away-or maybe it was there the whole time and I just didn't share it.
It is almost February and though I've become a bit more organized with my time management, bill-paying, grocery shopping, working toward some "New Year's Goals," I think it is time that I make some right choices.
What is best for the long haul?
What is healthy for my mind, my body, my spirit?
What will be the best example to set for my children?
What exactly IS God's will?
The struggle and sacrifice will be worth the reward, of course without the reward being the motivation.
18 Do what is right and good in the LORD's sight, so that it may go well with you and you may go in and take over the good land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers,
Monday, January 12, 2009
The road to a friends house is never long...but the hospital is closer!
The last time I went to visit my friend, Lynnell, in Princeton was in early November. Our "perfect" day together was brought a bit short by a phone call from her mom that her dad was being taken to the hospital. The whole idea of the day was that we were together and that we were until later that night when I dropped her off at her parents after being at the hospital for several hours.
Since that time, Lynnell's wonderful father, Al, has left this earth to meet his maker.
Saturday, January 10th, we were able to get our schedules cleared from holiday gatherings, etc. to pick up where we left off! Princeton is about 1 1/4 hours away from Lake Mills and I think getting there is half the fun for me! This trip was sans children, nor husband. Not that I don't love them dearly, but it was time for mommy to have some personal time to get away and reflect & rest!
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27