How can I tell?
-The kids went back to school last week Monday. Christian started 1st grade with Mrs. Pufahl, having to sit in a desk much of the day will be a challenge for my little ball of fire! Mallory starts 4th grade with Mrs. Williams-who strongly believes that 4th grade is a time to prep for heightened independence level on the children's part. Neither was extatic to go back, but they are both adjusting well!
-Our childcare blessings continue. We were sad that the time with Hannah passed so fast this summer. The kids had an awesome time with her and truly claimed it "The Best Summer Ever!" Only one situation could have made lemonade out of lemons: Heather Laws called and offered her talents for us once again this school year. Praise God! If I do have to work outside of the home as much as I do, the best that could ever be is that the kids have some type of stability after school/at dinner time! Not to mention her patience and organizational skills!
-Soccer has begun for both Mal & C, too. For anyone interested in attending games, they start this Saturday, September 6 and go until October 18th. Every Saturday EXCEPT October 4th: Christian "plays" at 9:05 am and Mallory plays at 10:15 am. On the 4th, Christian plays at 10:40 with Mallory playing at 9:15. I am assisting coach Mallory's team this year and co-coaching Christian's. Chrisitian's strong will and inability to lose has left me uncertain whether or not he will play at all this year. That seems to change each time I ask him. Mallory has shocked me with her ability to be aggressive, especially on defense. I'm excited for both of them, no matter what happens!
-Volleyball is in session for Dan and I. Dan will be playing on Monday nights and I am playing on Wednesday nights. A good get-away/exercise for both of us!
-Add volunteering to the weekly schedule. On Wednesdays, I get to go to school and be in Christian's classroom first at 10:30, then on to Mallory's classroom at 11:15 until noon! Many of you know, this is the highlight of my week and gives me a more meaningful "paycheck" than the one I get at work everyday!
-With the planner quickly filling up, add in a Doctor's appt. for Mallory-not sure, but her heartburn she was having could be another indication of her body not liking dairy products! We'll see!
-The high tomorrow is 60 degrees. A little prelude to what is to come. Batten down the hatches!
"For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. " ~Edwin Way Teale
-The kids went back to school last week Monday. Christian started 1st grade with Mrs. Pufahl, having to sit in a desk much of the day will be a challenge for my little ball of fire! Mallory starts 4th grade with Mrs. Williams-who strongly believes that 4th grade is a time to prep for heightened independence level on the children's part. Neither was extatic to go back, but they are both adjusting well!
-Our childcare blessings continue. We were sad that the time with Hannah passed so fast this summer. The kids had an awesome time with her and truly claimed it "The Best Summer Ever!" Only one situation could have made lemonade out of lemons: Heather Laws called and offered her talents for us once again this school year. Praise God! If I do have to work outside of the home as much as I do, the best that could ever be is that the kids have some type of stability after school/at dinner time! Not to mention her patience and organizational skills!
-Soccer has begun for both Mal & C, too. For anyone interested in attending games, they start this Saturday, September 6 and go until October 18th. Every Saturday EXCEPT October 4th: Christian "plays" at 9:05 am and Mallory plays at 10:15 am. On the 4th, Christian plays at 10:40 with Mallory playing at 9:15. I am assisting coach Mallory's team this year and co-coaching Christian's. Chrisitian's strong will and inability to lose has left me uncertain whether or not he will play at all this year. That seems to change each time I ask him. Mallory has shocked me with her ability to be aggressive, especially on defense. I'm excited for both of them, no matter what happens!
-Volleyball is in session for Dan and I. Dan will be playing on Monday nights and I am playing on Wednesday nights. A good get-away/exercise for both of us!
-Add volunteering to the weekly schedule. On Wednesdays, I get to go to school and be in Christian's classroom first at 10:30, then on to Mallory's classroom at 11:15 until noon! Many of you know, this is the highlight of my week and gives me a more meaningful "paycheck" than the one I get at work everyday!
-With the planner quickly filling up, add in a Doctor's appt. for Mallory-not sure, but her heartburn she was having could be another indication of her body not liking dairy products! We'll see!
-The high tomorrow is 60 degrees. A little prelude to what is to come. Batten down the hatches!
"For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. " ~Edwin Way Teale
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