Arrival to the Golden Lion Cafe in Ormond Beach: 8 pm on Thursday. Dan's craving for a real Fish Taco kept us trucking through the night!
Friday we just took it easy and checked out the
Despite the uncooperative ocean, Dan did all he could to overcome the odds. He came up a bit short, but didn't get skunked. The two fish he caught more resembled bait than an actual ocean catch.
Dan set his phone alarm for 6:30 and it went off, just as it should...vibrating. Well, somehow, I was pretty much awake anyway and heard it go off. A moment I regretted time and time again later in the day!
Our ship headed for rough seas at 8 am and two Dramamine pills were enough to hold back the least until it wore off.
"Keep Your Eyes on the Horizon"-very important words of advice.
We had decided only to go out for a half day which ended up being the best decision we made the whole time! I spent about one hour staring at this scene you see in the photo. The woman whose arm you can see was pretty confident about the tossing waves, but not so much once we dropped anchor.
We had fun catching and landing some smaller size red snapper, with some exciting moments of some huge fighting fish that won the fight and our hooks/line/bait! What seemed like an eternity finally came to an end and the Captain announced it was time to head back for shore. AHHHHH!!! I turned around and realized that I had all I could do to hold myself together. I checked the time to be sure it was okay to pop more Dramamine, demanded Dan get me two and water, downed them and held back the saliva that so wanted to pave the way for the few contents that lined my stomach. Mind over matter, mind over matter, I mentally coached myself, attempting to block out all other distractions. Everyone headed in for their ride back except for one poor soul. I heard the sound that every person holding back their chow tries to avoid...can't quite write it out it words...something like
Mind over matter, mind over matter. I turned to look and there was Dan, hanging out over the side of the boat. Again.
Poor guy. A few moments passed and boom, the Dramamine set itself in and in I went to take my seat to brace myself for the ride back. Dan eventually joined me and made my shoulder his pillow-the ride wasn't quite as bad as the one out.
The rest of the day was spent eating, resting, and sleeping.
We woke up and decided to pack 'em up and move 'em out. Here's the Topel Trip ride home summary:
- Blew a tire on the trailer, put on the spare and found a place to mount up our spare for the spare.
- Made it to Valdosta, Georgia for a hotel stay, Hooters wings, and the Packers/Cowboys game.
- Woke up and headed North.
- Blew another tire, found a place to sell us a trailer tire, found a different place to mount it and back on the road.
- A rock from a semi-truck struck the windshield and became our hot item to watch as it made its way, inches at a time into a big long crack
- Blew yet another tire in the Chatanooga, Tennessee area-took Tim's truck out of the trailer, found that everywhere there closes at 5 pm except the people that know their services are a premium and "bend you over" and waste your time! Okay, okay, I'm bitter, but we finally got the spare tire mounted and headed for home.
- It was a challenge, but we all three made it home alive, without anymore tragedies, at a meek time of 5:30 am Tuesday morning to sleepy, yet excited children, mother, and Brady!
"440 horses drive the wheels of this chrome and steel Like a freight train through the night,My foot is lead and my eyes blood red, And my knuckles showing white, My hair is slicked with oil, and my breathe flows gasoline. Well I'm a smoking' flamin' death machine And the lonely lights of another lonely town Lonely highway I keep rushing down And there's a 100 miles till I sleep tonight Well I've got to put the hammer down."~Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash: "440 Horses"
1 comment:
Wow, what a trip! Glad you are home safe and sound.
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